Both Erin and I had loved the Twilight Series and knew that we would like Stephanie Meyers new book. The Host is an Adult Fiction, where the Twilight series was for Young Adults, so it was not as easy of a read, plus it is Science Fiction. Everyone and their mother was reading this book and people had a hard time with it for the first 120 pages or so because it was an overload of information. Once I got past that part I couldn't put it down and read it in 2 days, which is crazy because it is a thick book and I have a toddler!!! It is action packed, there is always something going on. The characters were well evolved, you really thought that you knew them. You even started to like the "alien" Wanda and wanted her to win as much as you wanted Melanie to win. I can always tell if a book is going to be one of my favorites because the minute I finish it I want to read it again and that is how I felt with The Host.
Oh we definitely have to discuss this! I just finished it last weekend and I also couldn't put it down for two whole days. The alien premise was fascinating and I just loved the ending. I wasn't expecting it to end that way at all. I'm not entirely sure how much I'm allowed to write in here...I wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone else :)
I am so with you, Darc, like I have told you I could not get into this book. I started it three times before it "stuck" with me and I actually understood what was going on and could keep the characters straight. But once I got going I loved it!
Erin: Spoil away! I think we're going to add a disclaimer to the front that says spoilers may be in the reviews and/or comments, so be forewarned!
I loved that they put Wanda into another body so that they could "keep" her and she could have her happy ending with Ian, I loved their story.
My brother also pointed out that the "souls" life was just like Satans plan and I thought that was interesting. Satan wanted us to do everything that he wanted and not give us choices just like the "souls" did, interesting huh??
After struggling through the first 3 or 4 chapters, several times, I finally became engrossed in the story. It's a classic "good vs. evil" and "don't judge a book by its cover" type book. The ending was sweet, and not at all what I expected. I'd love to read it again, knowing what I know now, except I've passed it on to the multitudes of family that want to read it next. elaine
this book was fantastic! the minute I finished it I started reading it again. I love how "out there" it is, and the character of Jeb.
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