This book was really cute and sweet. An easy read. This was about Lily who ran away from her Dad with her housekeeper a black women in 1964. Lily was only 14 and wanted to find out all that she could about her mother that died when Lily was 4 years old. It was interesting to be taken back to the 60's when blacks were being persecuted, so when Lily went to live with a house full of black women people did not know what to think about it. I loved that Lily found the "Women of Mary" women and learned all that she could about being a bee keeper. She found her first love, which was really sweet, as a first love should be. At the end of the book I really wanted to know more. I wanted to know what she is doing now that she is all grown up. Does she still live with the women? Is she a bee keeper or did she take up writing? I guess we will never know. Atleast I can go and see the movie now and see how that turned out. What did you think?