So what's the most anticipated new movie to be coming out soon? At least among the friends and family I have -- it's Twilight, the movie based on the book of the same name by Stephenie Meyer. It's being released on December 12, 2008. I personally can't wait to see how the movie turns out - seeing as I loved the book Twilight (it was my favorite out of the 3 so far in the series).
MTV has a thing they're doing called "Twilight Tuesday", with a new clip or interview with the cast every Tuesday leading up to the premier. It's a great place to go to see the latest news or watch an interview with a cast member.
Here's a few different things they've released so far about the movie:
The fist picture of the Cullen family:

The official Twilight teaser trailer (which I've watched no less than 20 times):
The first movie poster:

And a special sneak peak of the Cullen family crest, which wasn't something that appeared in the books, but has been created specially for the movies. They came up with the design of the crest, and then the different actors in the Cullen family got to choose how they wanted their character to carry the crest - some have it in a pendant, some in a ring, some in a bracelet. Read more about it here, on a website called Twilight Series News that has a ton of great articles and pictures gathered together.

Is it December 12th yet?!!
I know I can't wait, so many of my friends want to see it too and I hope that we make a HUGE girls night out to see this movie, I really think it will live up to the hype, but we will see.
I really hope it's good and not a clone of a two hour MTV video because that would be such a waste.
I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE MOVIE!! I loved all the books...but really hope the movie is as good as the books!
I am really looking forward to the movie! I read the first three (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse) In two weeks (finishing Eclipse the day before Breaking Dawn came out) and got Breaking Dawn and read it in two days! I am obssed with Twilight! I mean I've read each of the four books at least 15 times each and never go anywhere without one (or all) of the books! currently I'm reading Breaking Dawn then I'm going back to Twilight! I love Stephenie Meyer!!!!! Thank god for her!!!!! OME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Edward!!!!
Thanks for writing this.
I am really looking forward to the movie! I read the first three (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse) In two weeks (finishing Eclipse the day before Breaking Dawn came out) and got Breaking Dawn and read it in two days! I am obssed with Twilight!
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