I have enjoyed reading Anita Shreve before so I thought that Erin and I should read one of her books together. Plus, you know me, I love a good love story. It is about two people who keep meeting at odd points in their lives and how those encounters go and what they do when they meet again. It sounds like a long lost love story, but you never know with Anita Shreve.Is anyone else interested in reading along with us??
I'll see if I can find this at the library. I'll read along if I do. :)
Cool Grace, yay!
Can't wait to read this one ... in the mood for a good romance!
I like romance books...i will have to go see if i can find this book!
how long do you guys usually give yourselves to read each book?--before the next book??
Sorry, another comment from me...as i have been scanning through your books! I think when you finish the book you should write whether or not you liked the book! I am just now going through some of the books and am curious to know if you liked some of them or not!? :)
We do say in the post if we liked it or not and also in the comment/reviews part also. We give ourselves until the next book to read , but we usually finish before then.
Like Darc said we each try to write a review about the book we each picked out for the month ... and then the other one of us will write something about it in the comments ... also we start our books on the 1st of the month and the 15th of the month ... so you have basically until the next 1st or 15th to finish it. Yeah - we're both really quick readers and usually finish in a few days. :)
OK, here's a comment on July's novel pick, "The Last Time They Met", so far, because, as you might be able to tell, I've only just started reading it, because Erin loaned it to me yesterday afternoon, seeing that she only recently signed it out from the South Jordan Public Library (that isn't too far a drive from her home in Daybreak) and she can only drive there after, or before, Mason's lunch and naptime as he is such a crabapple if he doesn't get all of his rest during the long, hot days of summer. OK, If you can make it through that sentence, you might actually be able to make it through this book. I think I've only read 1 or 2 "simple sentences" in the 1/4 of this book so far. Story is decent, but only if you can get through all the wordiness. I'll let you know if it's all worth it when I finish it.
Wow, Mom, thanks for the wordy commentary on my life. And Mason is not a crabapple! ;)
Darc, are all her books wordy like this? I don't remember The Pilot's Wife being like that??
Don't worry every kid is a "crabapple" (whatever that is) when they don't get their naps!!
The other 2 books of hers were not wordy, atleast I didn't think so. I hear the book gets really good in the middle and end, everyone loved the end in the reviews I have read of it.
Well, I finished this book. ***SPOILER*** Will someone please explain the ending to me? ***END OF SPOILER*** I either didn't read to the end of each sentence (after awhile) or they sentences got shorter - at any rate, I liked the story, but again, the ending?
Okay...I may have to read this one and give up on a few of my sci-fi ones for now.....I need a good love story...and besides I have a lot of time on hands.
Ok ok, i went and got the book at the library and i am having a really hard time getting into it and understanding the way she writes! Do i press on?! I can't decide!?!!
Let me know if you need to borrow it.
I would read on, I hear the beginning is hard to get into, but it gets good towards the middle.
Jill: Forge ahead, and finish the book. It does get better after the first couple of chapters. Besides, I need to know what you think of the ending. Auntie
All right, all right...i will give it another try! I will let you know what i think...thanks for all the encouragement!
I finished the book and I totally know what it meant in the end, I will let you know when we do the review, I don't want to spoil it for the others.
Starting this today!
Just finished this one ... I liked it ... don't know if I'd want to read it again, but it was a good story. Can't wait for your review, Darc!
Finished the book as well...and i will say i didn't mind it (yes and no!!) ...once i actually got into it...which took like 3 different trys! I also would probably never read it again! Can't wait to talk about it and see what everyone else thought!!!
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