Ok, so this is my take on the book and of course, not all of you felt the same, that is why we are here to discuss it and see what everyone thought, right???
To give you some background on me, I LOVED Twlight and New Moon I could not put those down and stayed up late to finish them, but Eclipse did not hold me as much, don't get me wrong it was great but just not as good as the other 2. I got really annoyed at Bella, I love Edward, oh no I love Jacob, fiasco. So, Breaking Dawn was a little like Eclipse to me, I could put it down, and I got a little annoyed at Bella when she was Preggers because she was willing to die to save her child and all the crazy stuff that was going on with the pregnancy I just didn't like. I thought that the baby would have to be killed anyway because it would be a crazy Vamp like every "baby Vampire" that we had heard about from the previous books, so why was she willing to die to save the baby that would just have to be killed anyway!!! I did not like that part and wanted her to get rid of the baby just like Edward and Jacob wanted her to do. I was glad that it worked out and the baby was born and was not a crazy "baby Vampire". It was great to have Edward turn Bella into a vampire, finally!!!
Besides that part I really loved all that happened. I loved the Honeymoon, boy did it get my juices flowing, good thing my husband was around. It was about time that they had sex, huh?? I LOVED Bella as a Vamp, she just kicked butt and her personality was different to me and I liked her so much better. I was happy that she married Edward, I was not a Jacob fan atleast not for her. Luckily for those Jacob fans out there, he gets what he has wanted in this book, and that is to be over Bella and to have someone of his own. I TOTALLY guess that Bella's baby was going to be Jacobs "imprint", did you??? I saw that one coming and was super happy about it because you sort of did feel sorry for Jacob. The baby's name, Renesmee, was a mouthful and it did distract me because it was hard for me to remember how to pronounce it, but she was just so sweet and I loved her ability. How cool would it be to just touch someone and show them what you feel and want and not have to speak?!?!?
I was upset about Alice and that she felt that she needed to leave, but I kept hoping that she left to help them out. So it was a great moment when she came back just in time to save them all from the Volturi. Good thing she brought Nahuel,the other half vamp half human, to show the Volturi that half vamp half humans can be controlled.
I was going to be so mad if Stephenie Meyer ended it where they all died and Jacob escaped with Renesemee to raise her. She really had you thinking that for a time and I was not happy. Who knew Bella with her super power would be the hero? She was always so clumsy and uncoordinated, I love her has a Vampire. When it ended I was still hoping for more because it seem to be an abrupt ending and needed something else. It was sort of anti-climatic with the whole Volturi thing, not having some sort of fight. Didn't you want some little bit of a fight? I wonder if Stephenie Meyer just didn't have it in her to write one.
Ok, what did you think???
I finished last night! I have to say, although it was slightly anti-climatic, for me, I still loved it!! I've been thinking about it all day. I loved Bella and Edwards Honeymoon. I do have to say, I would have liked more details about what was going on all the time (if you know what I mean). I guess that's what happens when the author is LDS and is writing for teens. However, it was still romantic and I was so glad to see she married Edward. I was very surprised about the pregnancy, but LOVED reading Jake's take on things and reading from his perspective. It was fun to see how the wolves interacted and read each others thoughts. I thought his story was very intriguing and I loved how the author made is so Bella has to become a vampire. It took away any other hesitations I may have had. Once Bella became a vampire...I loved her as a vampire. Anyway, there is so much more I could say. My only regret about the book was that I was hoping for a war or something, but, then again, I didn't want to see anyone die. Anyway, good review Darc!
Thanks Kimberly. I know what you mean, I totally wanted more description of the sex scenes. She could have still kept it clean with letting us know a little more detail, total bummer.
I mostly really liked it. Parts I didn't like: birth was way, WAY too descriptive (so sex = bad and needs to be glossed over, even if it's after you're married, but bring on the hideous labor scene), last thing with the Volturi was so anti-climactic (they caved far too easily and why are we expected to fear them if they're all, "Oh. Well, okay then. Thanks for your time, bye!" at the first sign of a fight?) and I thought Jacob imprinting on a baby was really creepy.
And one more thing--what woman would have to be reminded to look at herself in a wedding dress?
But beyond that (oh, and Renesmee's name; hated that, too), I really liked it. :) Bella was much less annoying in this book, I thought. (Or at any rate, I really liked Vampire Bella.)
I hope she writes more about the characters, even if it's from another perspective (Jacob or Edward or whatever), because I'd hate to think we're completely done (except for the retelling of Twilight from Edward's perspective).
Ohhh where to begin with what I thought?! First off I loved book 1! I had a really hard time with book 2...I was so depressed!! Then I loved book 3! As for this last book...I just finished it about an hour ago!
I will say it was not what I expected at all! I feel like the first three books there so much to tell and then this last book it is like she was in a hurry to just end it all...and get the story told!! Like the wedding and the honeymoon she should have spent more time on--not that much detail was put into it and that really bothered me! I think one part during the book Bella said they had been on the honeymoon for 3 weeks...yet there was only like 4 sentences about it?!!! That bugged!! Tell me more...thats what we have been waiting for for 3books!!! :)
Then the part about her getting pregnant...I saw it coming but was soooo bugged when it turned out to be some freaky creature in her stomach!! (and that she had to drink blood for the baby to be happy??? A little too weird for me!!) I felt like Stephanie Meyer was just grasping for stuff to add to the story!! (The other books seemed so normal compared to this one?!)
I did not see it coming that she would actually become a vampire!! I kept thinking that somehow Edward would become human and they would live regular lives together! Boy was I wrong!! I thought it was cool that she became this amazing vampire that could hang out with her dad, didn't want to kill humans, and that ended up being the "hero!"
As for the ending...I also thought it was hyped up for nothing! So the Volturi's show up and then just decide to leave without a fight?! Hello, kill the bad guys and live happily ever after...not let them live and then wait for the day they come after you again!!!
Ohhh I could go on forever! Over all I am glad that she finally ended it! (I couldn't take the love triangle and the sex tension anymore!!) In the end would I say I liked the book??? Yes and no. The more I think about it and let it sink in yes! But there were so many weird aspects to the book and so much stuff that was a little hard to handle at first! Honestly I had a hard time wanting to read on after I found out she was pregnant! Way too far fetched for me (not like vampires and werevolves weren't...my husband pointed out when i was so frustrated!!) But also what about poor Jacob? He is left to be in love with a child--yes she grows up but still!? Um little weird for me? How about Leah?! They would have been great together!!
Anyways! Sorry so long...i just finished and had to get that all out! It is so fun to hear what everyone else thought about it! Can't wait to hear more!!
I loved reading from Jacobs prepective as well!!! That was really cool and made the book so much easier to handle with all the 'new' drama!!
I think i scared everyone away with my thoughts on the book!!
I finally finished it today!! I have been dyin to get to it. I guess having a newborn will change some of my reading habits....
Anyway did I like it? YES all in all I enjoyed it. I did feel like she rushed through some parts and dragged out others! I was so glad that they got married so early on in the story and dissapointed when they were ripped from happily ever after for the so called evil baby...a little crazy for me.
I was shocked when she actually became a vampire and was so glad that she was FAR less annoying. As for the Renesmee thing stupid name seriously dumb and very distracting. Jacob imprinting on her was a little to much for me and actually made me feel like throwing up.
Battle....all i can say is way over done....there should have been bloodshed. Maybe this means if book sales are good enough she will come back for another round.
I think she drug the book on a lot a then just finished it so fast in the last chapter...I want the volturi dead and then I will actually believe that they live happily ever after FOREVER!!!
Abby, sounds like we agreed on alot in the book. We will see if she writes another one!?!?!?
OK. I have been waiting on posting a comment/review about this book for awhile because I feel like I needed it all to sink in so I can properly think through what I want to say! LOL. I actually have read it twice now and I liked it a TON more the 2nd time through. I think the first time I read it I was just reading so fast because I didn’t want to get spoiled by the ending that I really wasn’t absorbing what was going on … but the 2nd time, honestly, I loved it. I think that I always knew that SM was a romantic and she never wasn’t going to give Bella her happily ever after.
I was surprised that they got married so quick, I thought that would be more of a climax of the story. I thought that the honeymoon and how she got pregnant so fast was just kind of glossed over and was like … here you go, this is all happening really quickly. I really didn’t LOVE the first 1/3rd of the book at all. But then it got good! I loved Bella as a vampire and thought her character was so much more interesting. I loved her ability and how she was still able to be by her family if she wanted. I think that it was a great touch that her ability helped her shield her family from harm. I loved how Jacob was still able to be in Bellas life … even thought it was a *tad* odd that he imprinted on the baby .. I just went with it … again, because it was part of the happily ever after. Jacob was happy — everyone was happy — all roses and smiley faces.
I think that the book ended perfectly … she tied up all loose ends and made everything work out. I know that’s not how real life is — but come on, this is a novel about vampires and werewolves, what did we expect?!
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