What to say? I loved reading this book, but now that I am finished I am mad at the book. I am getting tired of people always dying and there being sad endings. Why must that be? Can't anyone write a really great book and it have a happy ending? What is wrong with a happy ending? NOTHING.
Enough of that. OK. This book was really good. Claire and Henry are so cute together and I loved all the time that they spent together when Claire was younger. Sometimes I got confused when the "Henry's" would met up and be together and talk about everything, but it made for an interesting point of view. It was kind of cute to see Henry when he was little.
The love that Henry and Claire had for each other was palpable. I was totally drawn into it. They really were meant to be together. Everything that Claire knew about Henry, she knew him since she was 6, still made her want to be with him and not want to fight the system. What is love if not that? I don't know how I would feel being told and always knowing that I would be with this person and feeling like the choice was taken out of my hands, but Claire did not feel that way. She wanted Henry from the first time she saw him, which is really sweet.
Poor Henry. Having to lose your feet because of a time travel gone wrong, when he always would tell Claire that his feet is what saves him, without them he would be nothing. Little did he know that he would eventually be without them and this would be his downfall. How can you escape when you can't get up and run, only crawl away? You can't. It was a little weird to find out that he was shot and killed my Claire's own Dad in a hunting accident. You wonder if her father knew when he met Henry (once they met up in real time and were dating) that this the the man I killed when Claire was younger??? We will never know. Interesting though.
This book will hold a little place in my heart. I really liked that it was different, but I might be upset for awhile about Henry dying in the end. I wonder if I will want to see the movie when it comes out since I know the ending is really sad? I don't like sad endings.