I had an interesting experience reading this book and wanted to share it with you. The Red Tent is a fictional version of the story of Jacob and his family, more specifically his only daughter Dinah,from Genisis in the Bible. I know the Bible story well and thought this might be an interesting book to read. As it turned out it was a very emotional and disturbing book for me to read. It was very hard for me to remember that is was a fictional version. I have strong feelings and views of the Bible story and so it was hard for me to read about this version of the story. I felt that the author took to many liberties with the story. I realize that this book IS fiction, but for some reason I could not take it as so. I have too strong of feelings for the Bible and this hindered my regard for the story. I think if this book had been about anything other than a story taken from the Bible then I would have easily been able to enjoy it. It evoked so many strange and weird feelings in me. I can not remember feeling all of those emotions from any other book. Some people might find that to be enough to read a book just so they can get all of those emotions, but I did not like it. Has anyone else read this book? I would love to know what you thought about it and see if you were able to enjoy it for itself and not based off of the Bible version as I did.
I really don't want you to think this is not a good book because it is. It is a good read and the author writes really well. If you can think of it as fiction then you will really like it. I just could not remember that she was writing it from a fictional stand point and that is why I had issues about it.
hm, well you basically talked me out of ever reading this book! ;). good for you for actually reading it, though!
I can't tell you how many times I've picked up that book at a store, thought about it, and put it back.
My guess is that it's on the off-list.
This is one of my all time favorite books. It is probably in my top 3 and that's why Darci read it, based on my recommendation! I'm sorry you didn't like it as much but I've had at least 4 friends who have read it and LOVED it! It's great to read about a different time and the story actually sticks quite close to the outline of the story in the bible. She just fills in little, every day things that are clearly not mentioned in the bible. It's an interesting way to view how people may have lived in biblical times. The author is Jewish and has done extensive research on biblical times and has written multiple non-fiction works. Anyways, I think it's one of the best books, sorry you didn't enjoy it more but I would recommend it!
Like I said I could have enjoyed it had it not been about the bible. It was written very well and easy to read.
I agree with you Darci. I read the first few chapters and stopped.
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